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How we measure rainfall

the synoptic network in the 1980s and 1990s the 5 inch gauge was still deployed alongside the tipping bucket gauge to continue a long consistent record of measurements for climate purposes. In recent years this practice has proved impractical and many automatic sites now only report rainfall amount


New March sunshine records

Scotland and Northern Ireland each recorded their sunniest March on record (records back to 1919), according to provisional Met Office statistics.

The UK had its sunniest March since 1929 and its second sunniest overall (records dating back to 1919), as high pressure and clear skies reigned over the UK for much of the month, bringing an average of 166.1 hours of sunshine. Northern Ireland had a massive 90% more sunshine than its long-term

Global-average temperature records

Dr Peter Stott explains how global-average temperature records work.

  Global-average temperature records are vital to help understand how our climate is changing.   Dr Peter Stott, Head Climate Monitoring and Attribution at the Met Office, explains how these records are made. What are they? To understand changes and variations in our climate it is essential to know

Christmas snow records in the UK

When was the deepest snow on Christmas day? The deepest lying snow on Christmas day was recorded back in 1981 when Kindrogan, Perthshire recorded 47 cm. Snow depth (cm) Country Deepest snow on Christmas Day  England  43cm at Buxton, Derbyshire and Malham Tarn, N. Yorkshire in 1981 and 2009


New Temperature Records for the UK.

Mild spell has led to provisional new temperature records for New Year's Eve and January for the UK but temperatures are now starting to trend down.

The extremely mild spell is driven by a flow of warm, moist air pushing across the UK from the Canary Islands and further south in the Atlantic and has resulted in the unusual situation of one weather system breaking weather records for two days in separate calendar years. As well as mild


2023 was second warmest year on record for UK

2023 was provisionally the second warmest year on record for the UK, with Wales and Northern Ireland having their respective warmest years in a series from 1884.

temperatures have been shifting over the decades as a result of human-induced climate change. The trend in UK climate observations is consistent with that observed globally: 2023 is on track to be Earth’s warmest year on record, while carbon dioxide concentrations in our atmosphere are at their highest


that was taken and the impacts this has had. The first impact story, on creating local sea-level projections, explains how impacts included capacity development, managing coastal climate risks and integration into policy. The second, on gridding climate observation records, included details of the capacity


2019: close to record-breaking year

The Met Office global temperature forecast suggests that 2019 will be close to record warmth due to climate change and the added effect of El Niño-related warming in the Pacific.

The Met Office global temperature forecast suggests that 2019 will be close to record warmth due to climate change and the added effect of El Niño-related warming in the Pacific. The Met Office forecasts the global average temperature for 2019 to be between 0.98 °C and 1.22 °C, with a central

Climate and climate change

The Central England Temperature series

(Hertfordshire), and Pershore (Worcestershire), but a number of weather stations and early archive records of personal measurements have been used to construct the series over time.  The climate misinformation you may encounter  The Met Office keep adjusting the Central England Temperature record

Climate and climate change

Synoptic and climate stations

The map shows the current network of automatic (synoptic) and manual (climate) stations covering the UK.

are collected in real time; climate data from these stations also comes in straight after readings are taken. Climate observations from around 140 co-operating observers at manual climate stations are also received in slower time. All climate stations record daily maximum and minimum air temperature

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