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of convective storms © Crown Copyright 2020, Met Office IP68: Harmonised Forecast of Adverse Weather Product Product 1: Harmonised 2: Turbulence Icing Severity Severity of turbulence of icing (FCST (FCST 0-48hours): Three Three levels: levels: 00 (nil), 1 (light), 2 (moderate), 33 (severe). (severe


organisations and potential future funding arrangements for scientific research. The Board also noted the role of ECMWF and the future of the Copernicus and other programmes in the light of EU departure. • Nick Jobling (Chief Financial Officer) presented the Finance Report. The Board discussed the impact


Probabilistic Turbulence Data At present WAFS data sets includes a deterministic turbulence severity field which uses the Graphical Turbulence Guidance (GTG) algorithms developed by the National Centre for Atmospheric Research in the United States. This field is created by blending (harmonising


How we measure visibility

Visibility sensors measure the meteorological optical range which is defined as the length of atmosphere over which a beam of light travels before its luminous flux is reduced to 5% of its original value.

acts as an aid in the estimation of visibility. Visibility sensors measure the meteorological optical range which is defined as the length of atmosphere over which a beam of light travels before its luminous flux is reduced to 5% of its original value. In most instances this is approximately

NCIC Monthly Summary

, and Almondsbury (Avon), Exeter Airport (Devon) and Shoeburyness (Essex) recorded 8.6 hours of sunshine on the 4th. There was fog and frost overnight in central and southern parts of the country, and generally variable amounts of cloud on the 5th and 6th, but it was cloudier with a little light rain


What are clouds?

a light drizzle. Fog is simply a stratus cloud which has come down to surface level, so when you walk through fog, you are actually walking through a cloud. Stratocumulus                                 A layer of stratus clouds can break up to form cumulus or an area of cumulus can squeeze


, contact our Customer Centre (24 hrs): [email protected] Tel: 0370 900 0100 Fax: 0370 900 5050 From outside the UK: Tel: +44 1392 885 680 Fax: +44 1392 885 681 Follow us on Instagram and snapchat To take just one example of that value in practical terms, we had excellent


. The 1st was a mild cloudy day with some rain especially for the north and near the south coast, and the 2nd continued mild, generally cloudy and windy with some light rain in many places in the a ernoon, with a maximum of 15.9 °C at Kew Gardens (London). The night of the 2nd/3rd was unusually warm


had some scattered light showers in the north and a maximum of only 13.4 °C at Malham Tarn (North Yorkshire). High pressure built from the south-west on the 2nd and 3rd and the weather turned dry and generally sunny, with 16.0 hours of bright sunshine at Morecambe (Lancashire) on the 3rd. The 4th


the Customer Centre on: Tel: 0370 900 0100 Fax: 0370 900 5050 Email: [email protected] If you are outside the UK: Tel: +44 330 135 0000 Fax: +44 330 135 0050 Radar – a brief history The word RADAR is an acronym, for RAdio Detection And Ranging. Although some primitive work on radio location had been

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