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Dr Chris Atkinson

surface/subsurface database of ocean temperature and salinity observations as part of a 3-year European Union funded project called ERA-CLIM. High quality marine datasets are essential for climate research, both as a record of past and present climate variability, and in constraining models of Earth's


Mild February marks the end of a dry Winter

with 66% of its average (206.4mm), making the 2016/17 winter its third driest winter on record. Climate Scientist Dr Mark McCarthy from the National Climate Information Centre said: “This winter has been dry for most of the UK. What is unusual is the combination of mild and dry conditions


Temperature extremes and records most affected by UK’s changing climate

Climate change is causing a dramatic increase in the frequency of temperature extremes and number of temperature records the UK experiences.

in a ‘natural’ environment (without the effects of man-made greenhouse gas emissions) against the likelihood in our current climate. Attribution studies were conducted on the record breaking June monthly temperature, the joint warmest September on record and the year as a whole being the second


to humancaused climate change. Events such as the wettest February on record in 2020 or the record-breaking rainfall seen on 3 October 2020, are expected to become more frequent by 2100 due to climate change. Future climate change is projected to bring about a change in the intensity and seasonality


New Temperature Records for the UK.

Mild spell has led to provisional new temperature records for New Year's Eve and January for the UK but temperatures are now starting to trend down.

The extremely mild spell is driven by a flow of warm, moist air pushing across the UK from the Canary Islands and further south in the Atlantic and has resulted in the unusual situation of one weather system breaking weather records for two days in separate calendar years. As well as mild


New March sunshine records

Scotland and Northern Ireland each recorded their sunniest March on record (records back to 1919), according to provisional Met Office statistics.

The UK had its sunniest March since 1929 and its second sunniest overall (records dating back to 1919), as high pressure and clear skies reigned over the UK for much of the month, bringing an average of 166.1 hours of sunshine. Northern Ireland had a massive 90% more sunshine than its long-term

Global-average temperature records

Dr Peter Stott explains how global-average temperature records work.

  Global-average temperature records are vital to help understand how our climate is changing.   Dr Peter Stott, Head Climate Monitoring and Attribution at the Met Office, explains how these records are made. What are they? To understand changes and variations in our climate it is essential to know

Christmas snow records in the UK

When was the deepest snow on Christmas day? The deepest lying snow on Christmas day was recorded back in 1981 when Kindrogan, Perthshire recorded 47 cm. Snow depth (cm) Country Deepest snow on Christmas Day  England  43cm at Buxton, Derbyshire and Malham Tarn, N. Yorkshire in 1981 and 2009


rainfall events Current climate risk Observed precipitation extremes do not paint a full picture of what could plausibly happen in our current climate 2,3 . Combing the observational record with new weather and climate forecast models enables us to explore a greater range of unseen possibilities


State of the UK Climate 2017

The Met Office’s 4th annual State of the UK Climate report, released today, confirms 2017 was the 5th warmest year in a record dating back to 1910.

Meteorological Society, said: “The State of the UK climate reports provide an important record of the weather and climate in the UK each year. The Royal Meteorological Society is delighted that these reports are now being published in the International Journal of Climatology providing quality assurance and accessibility to a wider audience.”  

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