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Microsoft Word - 2022_01_storms_dudley_eunice_franklin.docx

closed for the first time in their history. There were widespread reports of structural damage. Roofs were torn off several buildings, the top of a church spire in Wells, Somerset was blown down and the Millennium Dome in London was damaged. Thousands of trees were felled – including large mature

Microsoft Word - 2022_02_storms_dudley_eunice_franklin.docx

closed for the first time in their history. There were widespread reports of structural damage. Roofs were torn off several buildings, the top of a church spire in Wells, Somerset was blown down and the Millennium Dome in London was damaged. Thousands of trees were felled – including large mature

Laura Hume-Wright

line ice accretion. Water industry projects have included exploring UK rainfall and updates to the Met Office Advanced Meteorology Explorer.  Career background Laura studied Aeronautical Engineering at Imperial College, London and holds an MSc in New & Renewable Energy from Durham University. After


Climate change increases the risk of wildfires

In light of the Australian fires, scientists from the University of East Anglia (UEA), Met Office Hadley Centre, University of Exeter, Imperial College London, and CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, have conducted a Rapid Response Review of 57 peer-reviewed papers published since the IPCC's Fifth


Civil Contingencies Advisor Team Head of Situational Awareness: Will Lang 07747 760959 Senior Advisor (Edinburgh): Ross Melville 07753 880446 Senior Advisor (Exeter): Dave Evans 07920 211289 Senior Advisor (London): Bryony May 07787 105863 Senior Advisor (International): Jess Moorwood 07354 848758

Dr Peili Wu

/Subarctic Ocean Fluxes (ASOF) programme. Career background Peili joined the Met Office Hadley Centre in 1999. Before that, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Edinburgh working on modelling the Mediterranean. Before that, Peili completed a PhD in atmospheric dynamics and a diploma in physics at Imperial College London.

Dr Thomas Bendall

the Met Office in September 2019, after completing a PhD and 6 month Post-Doc in the Mathematics Department at Imperial College London. These focused on physics-dynamics coupling within finite element discretisations of the atmosphere. Before this, he did an undergraduate degree in Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge.

Dr Nicola Gedney

a post doc at the University of Reading, assessing the effect of Amazonian deforestation on the northern hemisphere. Nic completed a PhD in the Department of Metrology at the University of Reading. She also has an Msc in Remote Sensing from London University.


Save the date: Monday 16 September 2019, Central London Launch of UKCP Local (2.2km) climate projections UKCP Local (2.2km) describes how climate change will impact the types and extremes of weather for your local area. Join us for the launch of the Local 2.2km climate projections. This new


Civil Contingencies Advisor Team Head of Situational Awareness: Will Lang 07747 760959 Senior Advisor (Edinburgh): Ross Melville 07753 880446 Senior Advisor (Exeter): Dave Evans 07920 211289 Senior Advisor (London): Bryony May 07787 105863 Senior Advisor (International): Mark Bevan 07979 662652

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