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Microsoft Word - 2022_01_storms_malik_corrie.docx

storms are 5 December 2013 (count 56); 3 January 2012 (count 42), 8 December 2011 (count 40) and 12 February 2014 (count 39). Date Count Storm 29/01/2016 31 Gertrude 09/02/2020 31 Ciara 19/09/2018 30 Ali 01/02/2016 24 Henry 29/01/2022 23 Malik 16/10/2017 19 Ex-hurricane Ophelia 23/02/2017 17 Doris


Europe experiences warmest year on record in 2020

oak in the UK. See the Met Office news blog for further information. Arctic wildfire carbon emissions were the highest since the series began in 2003  The North Atlantic hurricane season saw 30 named storms, surpassing the total from 2005 – the previous record year – by two Surface water vapour


on the frequency of intense Atlantic hurricanes. Science, 327:454–458, 2010. L Bengtsson, K Hodges, M Esch, N Keenlyside, L Kornblueh, J-J Luo, and T Yamagata. How may tropical cyclones change in a warmer climate? Tellus A, 59(4):539–561, 2007. JN Brown, C Langlais, and AS Gupta. Projected sea surface

Sustainable Development Goals

and agencies to enhance global resilience to natural disasters and reduce associated risks e.g. during the 2017 Caribbean hurricanes. Also supporting goals 13 and 17.   Responsible consumption and production 1. Services for energy companies UK Working together to balance demand and generation, support safe

Layout 1

storms during the whole Atlantic season (taken from the US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administartion National Hurricane Center over the period 1993-2006. Verification of SST predictions As discussed previously, North Atlantic tropical storm frequencies are correlated

Tropical cyclone forecast verification - southern hemisphere 2022-23

reaches tropical storm status. 2. Tropical cyclone activity Tropical cyclone activity SWI AUS SAT TOTAL Tropical depressions (<35 knots) 0 0 0 0 Tropical storms (35-63 knots) 2 6 0 8 Hurricanes/typhoons (>63 knots) 6 5 0 11 Total 8 11 0 19 Basin name abbreviations: SWI : South-West Indian (west

Tropical cyclone forecast verification - southern hemisphere 2011-12

AUS SAT TOTAL Tropical depressions (<34 knots) 2(1) 2(2) 0(0) 4(3) Tropical storms (>34 knots, <64 knots) 7(1) 6(6) 0(1) 13(8) Hurricanes/typhoons (>64 knots) 4(2) 2(8) 0(0) 6(10) Total 13(4) 10(16) 0(1) 23(21) Basin name abbreviations: SWI : South-West Indian (west of 90° E) AUS : Australian (east

Tropical cyclone forecast verification - southern hemisphere 2013-14

Tropical depressions (<35 knots) 1(0) 0(1) 0(0) 1(1) Tropical storms (35-63 knots) 5(3) 8(6) 0(0) 13(9) Hurricanes/typhoons (>63 knots) 4(7) 7(7) 0(0) 11(14) Total 10(10) 15(14) 0(0) 25(24) Basin name abbreviations: SWI : South-West Indian (west of 90° E) AUS : Australian (east of 90° E) SAT : South

Tropical cyclone forecast verification - southern hemisphere 2016-17

Tropical depressions (<35 knots) 0 (1) 2 (3) 0 (0) 2 (4) Tropical storms (35-63 knots) 3 (4) 8 (4) 2 (0) 13 (8) Hurricanes/typhoons (>63 knots) 2 (2) 5 (6) 0 (0) 7 (8) Total 5 (7) 15 (13) 0 (0) 22 (20) Basin name abbreviations: SWI : South-West Indian (west of 90° E) AUS : Australian (east of 90° E

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