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Extreme weather reveals changing climate

A new report by the Met Office, published today, reveals further details about changes in the UK’s climate since the 1960s. The report reveals changes in extreme weather as measured by temperature and rainfall extremes.

. Dr Mark McCarthy is the head of the Met Office’s National Climate Information Centre, the team which produced the report. He said: “Monthly, seasonal and annual climate data provide a valuable record of the changing climate in the UK. However, these average figures have a tendency to mask extreme


8 interesting facts about autumn

1. Autumn begins There are two different dates when autumn could be said to begin. Autumn, as defined by the Earth's orbit around the Sun, begins on the equinox which falls on 22 or 23 September. However, to record climate data, it is important to have set dates that can be compared, so


observing stations: • Designed to meet the needs of a particular customer; • In the urban environment; • Sited at the top of mountains; • Meeting the requirement for a long climate record. Some supplementary stations provide observations of no more than air temperature, humidity, wind and rainfall


averages at a wide variety of locations over the UK. A long uninterrupted record is essential for this purpose (at least 30 years and preferably longer) and this is achieved at a large number of stations. Some climate stations are automated, sending data in real time, but many rely on an unpaid

Historical climate change

dioxide into the atmosphere at a far greater rate than natural processes. Source: IPCC AR6 WG1: | Global surface temperature as estimated from proxy records (reconstructed) and climate models (simulated). The intent of this figure is to show the agreement between observations and models of global


2022 provisionally warmest year on record for UK

2022 will be the warmest year on record for the UK, according to provisional Met Office figures.

and a verification process.   2022 will also be the warmest year on record in the 364-year Central England temperature series from 1659, the world’s longest instrumental record of temperature.  Dr Mark McCarthy is the head of the Met Office’s National Climate Information Centre. He said: “2022 is going


Climate change continues to be evident across UK

The UK’s climate has continued to warm, with 2020 the first year to have temperature, rain and sunshine rankings all in the top 10.

The latest analysis of the UK climate, State of the UK Climate 2020 published in The Royal Meteorological Society’s ‘International Journal of Climatology’, has shown that climate change is already being felt across the UK. All of the top-ten warmest years for the UK in records back to 1884 have

Using UKCP data

Find out how to use climate projections for future planning or communications. This page is for people who are new to climate projections or have not used them for some time.

and records to visualise climate change in the UK. What will climate change look like near me? All of this information can provide the detailed information on climate hazard that you need for your assessment. You can use this to inform your impacts and risk analysis of your assets.  Conduct detailed

Effects of climate change

Climate change is already having visible effects on the world. The Earth is warming, rainfall patterns are changing, and sea levels are rising. These changes can increase the risk of heatwaves, floods, droughts, and fires.

in the future. Effects of climate change in the UK Will the UK's climate change? Climate change is causing warming across the UK. All of the UK's ten warmest years on record have occurred since 2002. Heatwaves, like that of summer 2018, are now 30 times more likely to happen due to climate change. UK winters

What is climate change?

Climate change refers to a large-scale, long-term shift in the planet's weather patterns and average temperatures.

. Cooler years are blue, while warmer years are red. This graph shows us that global temperatures are increasing. As of 2018, the 20 warmest years on record globally have been in the past 22 years. The Met Office’s State of the UK Climate report for 2021 shows the ten hottest years in the UK since 1884

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