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Microsoft Word - 2021_02_low_temperatures_v1.docx

, but would not be considered exceptional compared to long-term climate records, less severe than 2018 and very much less severe than the exceptional freezing weather of December 2010. Author: Mike Kendon, Met Office National Climate Information Centre Last updated 19/02/2021

Current weather and climate risks

What are the current weather and climate risks to the UK and globally? This is one of the key questions for the climate science community, which the Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme is helping to answer.

using synthetic profiles Fraser et al. Investigating the predictability of North Atlantic sea surface height Lewis et al. GSDR: A Global Sub-Daily Rainfall Dataset Kent et al. Observing Requirements for Long-Term Climate Records at the Ocean Surface Kennedy et al. An Ensemble Data Set of Sea Surface

슬라이드 1

operational data center at Jeju, Korea Internet KSWC Data archive & dissemination Jeju Tracking Station Real-time data processing � Checking dataset quality, producing climate records, performing analyses, & calibrations � Data archive & data disseminations � New SWx product & service development

Annual State of the Climate Report for 2017

August 2018 - Last year was another year when the levels of dominant greenhouse gases reached new peaks in the instrumental record.

Last year (2017) was another warm year for the global climate. Although it did not break the global temperature record, it was still the second or third warmest in the instrumental record, warmer than any year before 2015. Notably, 2017 was also the warmest year where the global temperatures were


gridding tool builds climate data records through gridding data points using satellite data to establish missing climate data. This was complemented by training in the use of FACTFIT, a tool allowing users to visualise a downscaled statistical seasonal forecast. These tools are now being used


. This climate gridding tool builds climate data records through gridding data points using satellite data to establish missing climate data. This was complemented by training in the use of FACTFIT, a tool allowing users to visualise a downscaled statistical seasonal forecast. These tools are now


2016: indicators of a changing climate

An international analysis of the global climate for 2016 has been published in the report State of the Climate in 2016, released today by the American Meteorological Society.

It has been widely reported that globally 2016 was one of the two warmest years (along with 2015) in a temperature series stretching back to 1850. However, the report – State of the Climate in 2016 – highlights other key indicators of climate change, such as record high sea-surface temperatures

Microsoft Word - 2021_03_high_temperatures.docx

average for March. The highest temperature was 24.5°C at Kew Gardens (Greater London) on the 30th. This was only the third day in March in UK climate station records where a temperature of 24°C has been reached in the UK. The previous dates were 29 March 1965 and 29 March 1968 – with the March record

Autographic Records

Autographic records are, in most cases, types of output produced by instruments recording data about specific elements

For example a barogram is produced by a barograph and is a continuous trace of changes in pressure. The barograph measures pressure and then records it onto a sheet of specially printed graph paper wrapped around a drum using a pen. Example of an autographic instrument, (a barograph). Many

Climate Analysis for Risk Information & Services in South Asia (CARISSA)

The aim of the CARISSA project was to improve the uptake and use of regional climate change information across South Asia.

Climate and food security Consolidated livelihoods, food security and climate change assesment for Nepal (due January 2023) Climate observations View our impact story on gridding climate observation records in Pakistan here Report on development of Climate Grid to facilitate the construction of gridded data-sets of observed climate for Pakistan (August 2021) - Available here Supported by:

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