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Dr Ian Boutle

boundary layer and mid-latitude cyclones. Ian also gained a first class honours degree in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Warwick. External recognition Ian is an honorary Professor in Astrophysics at the University of Exeter. Ian is a member of the GASS panel, which has responsibility

Helping put safety first in the mobility revolution

 was chaired by a representative from the Warwick Manufacturing Group, which is part of the University of Warwick and a good example of our extensive engagement with academia. It provided a recommendation for the standards treatment of rainfall, as well as visibility. The coming years will require

Dr Neill Bowler

the forecasts were. Neill's work covered a number of novel verification methods, particularly for probabilistic forecasts. Neill provided support for the ensemble prediction system used by other national services through the Unified Model collaboration. Prior to joining the Met Office, Neill completed a PhD in Physics at the University of Warwick. This work was on the role of noise in optimisation problems and in diffusion-limited aggregation.

LFRic - a modelling system fit for future computers

, Warwick, Imperial College and STFC's Hartree Centre. The challenge of the project was to design a dynamical core that retains the advantages of the current one but that is significantly more efficient on future supercomputer architectures. There were three principal recommendations of the project

Food, Farming and Natural Environment Climate Service

and University of Warwick, we have developed a web tool for estimating priority pest emergence. The pest web emergence tool uses gridded climate data and pest-climate relationships to provide estimates of when microclimate conditions might be suitable for known, invasive plant pests. Guidance on how to use


Computing Paradigms (EPSRC led, bids under evaluation) • Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (EPSRC led, bids under evaluation) Fusion modelling use case Awards have been made under Project Neptune to the Universities of York, Exeter, Oxford and Warwick, to Imperial College and UCL


Up to £1.2billion for weather and climate supercomputer

, Southampton, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick and York, Queen Mary University of London, King’s College London, Imperial College London, UCL, Newcastle University, The Alan Turing Institute, Hartree Centre. The JADE 2 service, hosted at STFC’s Hartree Centre, will be a unique national resource providing a state


also found that it is possible to separate the fossil fuel CO2 emissions contribution from the one of 25 total CO2 fluxes. The fossil fuel CO2 emissions and their trends derived in that manner agree very well with inventories. Pyle, J. A., M. J. Ashfold, N. R. P. Harris, A. D. Robinson, N. J. Warwick


. P. Harris, A. D. Robinson, N. J. Warwick, G. D. Carver, B. Gostlow, L. M. O’Brien, A. J. Manning, S. M. Phang, S. E. Yong, K. P. Leong, E. H. Ung, S. Ong (2011), Bromoform in the tropical boundary layer of the maritime continent during OP3. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, pp. 529-542, doi:10.5194/acp-11

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