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Microsoft Word - Meeting note Scottish PWSCG 8 December 2022_FINAL

for confusion if you have multiple competing impacts (ice, snow, fog, rain, wind) is high, and the group asked if the Met Office are the right people to portray this message or should it be a health service which could separate it from the other warnings and avoid comms whilst helping the vulnerable. Local

PWS CG Meeting July 2007 11- 3pm MOD Main Building

, DH and MG visited the Centre in Reading. ECMWF portrays itself as primarily a research institute and WW was satisfied that there was already good collaboration between the Met Office and ECMWF and that ECMWF outputs were already well utilised within the PWS. One issue high up on the ECMWF agenda


explained why the projections matter. Presentations followed from Environment Agency’s Deputy Director Climate Change, Liz Parkes who portrayed the value of UKCP18 from a government perspective, and Jon Gascoigne from Willis Towers Watson covered the business viewpoint. Examples of how UKCP18 data can


Bringing data to life DIY activity

“What will weather information of the future look like?” In this activity you’ll get to look at the new technologies being used to portray data in exciting, visual ways.

Microsoft Word - CSA 24-29 version for external Met Office website_FINAL

organisations to access consistent forecasts and services. The Met Office needs to understand how to best portray the future NWP data delivered by the new supercomputer, to ensure a blend of accessibility and detail for types of user. 11 3. Themes The following themes within the CSA are based


forcing) would certainly be of interest too. However, some prioritisation will likely be needed. 90 3 Strand 2: A new ensemble of global climate realisations from 1990-2100 "Potentially important" is an optimistic way to portray a situation that is fundamentally a challenge in interpretation


). Despite a strengthening of the land-sea temperature gradient, a large number of climate modelling experiments have portrayed a diminished 3-dimensional SAM circulation pattern associated with all possible greenhouse gas emission scenarios (Kripalani et al., 2007; May, 2004; Sabade et al., 2011). However

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