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departure from - Chatham depart 25/9/ 1839, Cape Verde Islands 14/11, to South Atlantic. (27S, 22W). Hourly air temperature, 4 x daily barometric pressure and attached thermometer at 3am, 9am, 3pm and 9pm, corrected pressure from 22/10, 3-hourly obs from 31/10, hourly observations of all above from 21


the 2011 East African drought be attributed to humaninduced climate change? Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 1177–1181, doi:10.1002/grl.50235. Love, R., 2009: Economic drivers of conflict and cooperation in the Horn of Africa. ARP BP 2009/01, Chatham House, 16 pp. [Available online at www


of the lowest pressure expected to occur in the hour HH+1hour to HH+2hours for a number of defined areas, as described below Puffin Shetland Marlin Skerry Petrel Portree Orkney Rattray Belfast Tyne Skua Holyhead Barnsley Humber Scillies Wessex Cotswold Chatham Yarmouth Portland When is the product


on transboundary rivers for freshwater supply such as Egypt, Iraq and Syria will therefore be affected by upstream factors, both human and physical. For example, abstraction and damming of the Euphrates River in Turkey has contributed to water shortages in Syria (Chatham House, 2015), while in Egypt

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