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Warmest February on record for England and Wales

England and Wales had their respective warmest Februarys on record according to provisional Met Office statistics in what was a mild and wet month for many.

hazards, most notably in early December and mid-January. This contrasts with the often mild, wet and stormy weather through much of the season. This winter is in the top 10 warmest and top 10 wettest for the UK. The UK recorded a mean average temperature of 5.29°C across the three months, making


ARRCC newsletter View online version | Share with a friend Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARRCC) Met Office Partnership newsletter September 2020 Welcome Welcome to the latest edition of our ARRCC Met Office Partnership newsletter. This edition covers the period from July

Where is hot in May?

to create a typical tropical coastal climate with a wet season, very similar to the nearby Caribbean islands. May temperatures tend to peak at an average of 37.5 °C though this high temperature is made somewhat more bearable by coastal winds a lower average humidity of around 66%. Read more about


. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (12), S1–S172. Citing a section (example): Yoon, J. H., S.-Y. S. Wang, R. R. Gillies, L. Hipps, B. Kravitz, and P. J. Rasch, 2015: Extreme fire season in California: A glimpse into the future? [in “Explaining Extremes of 2014 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc

PowerPoint Presentation

, it is likely to be wetter than normal. Looking further ahead across East Africa, the Short Rains season (from September) is increasingly likely to be drier than normal, particularly in coastal regions. Forecasts for concurrent La Niña and negative Indian Ocean Dipole, along with high-level agreement


rainfall during the December-January- February (DJF), March-April-May (MAM) and September-October-November (SON) seasons resulting from increased number of days of rainfall and higher probabilities of a wet day following a dry day in a month. Based on these scenarios, the combination of the wetter


characteristics of the East Asian Summer Monsoon compared to regional scale models, including the daily cycle of rainfall across many regions of China. Li et al (2019) focussed on an event in 2016 where 600mm of rainfall fell over parts of eastern China in just 6 days leading to catastrophic flooding

Accelerating impact-based forecasting - WCSSP case study

application and ways it can be further enhanced. This application is being used to issue landslide bulletins during the monsoon season to provide communities with more time to act and reduce the impacts of such events. An example of operational impact-based forecasting at the India Meteorological


Has spring weather influenced your mood?

Despite recent sunny weather, much of early spring had been rather dull, wet and unsettled.  Early provisional figures from the Met Office suggest a largely dull season so far, with March in particular seeing much fewer sunshine hours than average.   Several counties in the south of the UK

America holiday weather

/west split. The western side facing the Pacific sees a hot tropical climate with distinct wet and dry seasons, while the eastern side faces the Atlantic and generally experiences an equatorial climate with hot and wet conditions throughout the year Cancun, Mexico: average daily maximum temperature

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