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Observed and forecast tracks: northern hemisphere 2014

as a storm in the east Pacific, but developed into a strong Hurricane as it neared and crossed the Dateline into the western Pacific. Track forecast errors were near to or below last season's average and skill scores against CLIPER were high. Hernan (08E) 26-29 July 65 knots Track forecast errors

Microsoft Word - 2008_seasonal_forecast.doc

model (known as GloSea) is used to forecast the number of tropical storms (including hurricanes) and Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) index for the Atlantic sector in the period July to November 2008. Recent research has shown that the skill of dynamical systems such as GloSea is challenging

North Atlantic tropical storm seasonal forecast 2012

of at least 39 mph. The terms hurricane and typhoon are region-specific names for strong tropical cyclones with wind speeds of more than 73 mph. The North Atlantic tropical storm season usually runs from June to November. The degree of activity over the whole season varies from year to year

Met Office weather warnings

-hurricane Ophelia, we can give warnings with a longer lead-time. Improved communication of risk Not only has the design of our warnings been improved visually, there have also been extensive enhancements in terms of the language. Warnings on our digital channels show the most relevant information

North Atlantic tropical storm seasonal forecast 2011

in an anticlockwise direction in the northern hemisphere (clockwise in the southern hemisphere). A tropical storm is a tropical cyclone with mean wind speeds of at least 39 mph The terms hurricane and typhoon are region-specific names for strong tropical cyclones with wind speeds of more than 73 mph The North

Annual State of the Climate Report for 2017

” drought, the fourth greatest extent since 1950 (after 1984, 1985 and 2016). In British Columbia, drought conditions contributed to its most extensive wildfire season on record.  For extremely heavy precipitation, both Severe Tropical Cyclone Debbie in eastern Australia and Hurricane Harvey

Advancing tropical cyclone forecasts - WCSSP case study

of cyclones.  What is a tropical cyclone? Tropical cyclones are large rotating storms that form over the tropical oceans. They usually develop when sea surface temperatures are at least 26.5 degrees Celsius and get their extreme energy from warm, moist ocean air. Also known as hurricanes in the North Atlantic

Met Office position on geoengineering research

, increase North Atlantic hurricane activity, and affect winter rainfall over Europe. In addition, it is likely there would be rapid climate change if SRM were terminated in an uncontrolled manner. Much more research is needed to understand all the potential benefits and drawbacks associated

Decadal Forecasting - What is it and what does it tell us?

natural variability and climate change. It has already been demonstrated that skillful multi-year predictions of Atlantic hurricane frequency can be produced (Smith et al. 2010). Much more remains to be done to exploit the regional information in decadal forecasts and indeed in climate predictions

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