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ARRCC newsletter View online version | Share with a friend Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARRCC) Met Office Partnership newsletter December 2020 Welcome Welcome to the latest edition of our ARRCC Met Office Partnership newsletter. This edition covers the period from October


: 0.69). In the Northern Hemisphere Summer (JJA), HadAM3P- W@H has large dry biases over Columbia, Venezuela and Central America, a dry bias over the Eastern USA and dry biases over Western Africa, South East Asia and Indonesia. Europe shows a slight dry bias (up to - 1mm/day) with a slight wet bias

North Atlantic Oscillation

, and can extend further into northern Asia if phases are prolonged. Acting like a giant seesaw, the NAO leads to changes in the intensity and location of the North Atlantic jet stream - ribbons of very fast winds high in the atmosphere that influence the movement of regions of low pressure


Warm May and spring for the UK

The UK had its warmest May and meteorological spring on record according to provisional Met Office figures in what was also a wet and dull season for many.

Spring 2024 provisional statistics Meteorological spring (March, April and May) was the warmest on record by mean temperature, in figures that were influenced by high overnight temperatures. March started the season with a mild and wet month, and that theme continued through much of spring. April


Warmest February on record for England and Wales

England and Wales had their respective warmest Februarys on record according to provisional Met Office statistics in what was a mild and wet month for many.

hazards, most notably in early December and mid-January. This contrasts with the often mild, wet and stormy weather through much of the season. This winter is in the top 10 warmest and top 10 wettest for the UK. The UK recorded a mean average temperature of 5.29°C across the three months, making


Rainfall across Europe disrupted by climate change

emissions could increase the variability of European seasonal rainfall, which suggests extreme events will be more likely in the future. There is an increasing risk of extremely dry seasons in the Mediterranean and extremely wet seasons elsewhere in Europe, which can lead to major impacts


Weather words

in Asia that reverses direction between summer and winter and often brings heavy rains. O Ozone About 19-30 kilometres above the Earth is a layer of gas called ozone, which is a form of oxygen. Ozone reflects harmful rays from sunlight back to space. P Precipitation Precipitation is a name for water


characteristics of the East Asian Summer Monsoon compared to regional scale models, including the daily cycle of rainfall across many regions of China. Li et al (2019) focussed on an event in 2016 where 600mm of rainfall fell over parts of eastern China in just 6 days leading to catastrophic flooding


PROCEEDINGS Regional workshop on climate services for the water and hydropower sectors in South Asia 24–26 September 2019 Kathmandu, Nepal Copyright © 2019 International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) The Met Office, UK National Meteorological Service This work is licensed


have also continued to provide support to BMD in the development of the new IBF product. The IBF pilot is due to launch during the forthcoming Tropical Cyclone season. Strengthening Climate Information Partnerships South Asia (SCIPSA) - work package 2 Skill of South Asian Precipitation Forecasts

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