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Microsoft Word - MOB Summary 29 Nov 10.doc

is fully available from the “Invent” web site and planned to be moved across to the main site in the near future. • RV reported the hurricane forecast had been very accurate this year. One thing it had highlighted though was that despite being an active season, the impact was low, due to very little

Observed and forecast tracks: northern hemisphere 2012

-of-track bias during recurvature and the model tended to weaken the storm too soon. Gilma (07E) 07-11 August 70 knots Track forecast errors were low and skill scores high for this hurricane. Hector (08E) 11-17 August 45 knots Track forecast errors were low for this storm, although the model failed

Past weather events

Late February to early March The UK experienced a spell of severe winter weather with very low temperatures and significant snowfalls from late February to early March 2018... 2017 Ex-Hurricane Ophelia October On 16 October Ex-Hurricane Ophelia brought very strong winds to the west of the UK


Factors that influence UK winters

regularly exceed 250 km per hour– the strength of the winds in the strongest hurricanes (known as Category 5). During winter, the polar vortex can strengthen and weaken. These changes exert an influence lower down in the atmosphere and ultimately on our weather. Changes in the polar vortex can mean

The Terra Nova expedition of 1911 - 1912

at Cape Evans a Northern Party was posted to Cape Adare in East Antarctica (February 1911 - January 1912), where they survived their first Antarctic Winter. In the register below it can be seen that the wind gusted to hurricane force for much of 9th May, this led the observer Raymond Priestley

Tropical cyclone forecast verification - northern hemisphere 2011

depressions (<34 knots) 5(5) 2(5) 1(2) 0(0) 8(12) Tropical storms (>34 knots, <64 knots) 9(6) 1(5) 12(7) 5(1) 27(19) Hurricanes/typhoons (>64 knots) 10(8) 10(3) 7(12) 1(4) 28(23) Total 24(19) 13(13) 20(21) 6(5) 63(58) Categories assigned based on 1-minute averaged winds Basin name abbreviations: NWP

Tropical cyclone verification northern hemisphere 2018

depressions (<34 knots) 7 (7) 3 (2) 1 (1) 0 (0) 11 (10) Tropical storms (34-63 knots) 12 (14) 10 (9) 7 (7) 4 (2) 33 (32) Hurricanes/typhoons (>63 knots) 16 (12) 13 (9) 8 (10) 4 (2) 41 (33) Total 35 (33) 26 (20) 16 (18)  8 (4) 85 (75) Categories assigned based on 1-minute averaged winds Basin name

Observed and forecast tracks: northern hemisphere 2015

. However, skill scores against CLIPER were mostly positive. Blanca (02E) 31 May-09 June 943 mb, 120 knots Track forecast errors for this hurricane were very low and skill scores very high. Carlos (03E) 10-17 June 978 mb, 80 knots Track forecast errors were above last season's average due to a left

Observed and forecast tracks: northern hemisphere 2019

, but subsequent forecasts were very good. Barbara (02E) 30 June-08 July 933 mb, 135 knots Forecasts for Hurricane barbara were very good with track forecast errors very low and skill scores high. Cosme (03E) 06-08 July 1001 mb, 45 knots Cosme was briefly a tropical storm and few forecasts were verified. 04E 12-14

Observed and forecast tracks: northern hemisphere 2018

near to or below last season's average. Norman (16E) 28 August - 08 September 937 mb, 130 knots Track forecast errors were near to last season's average. Olivia (17E) 01-14 September 948 mb, 115 knots Track forecast errors were low and skill scores high for this hurricane. Paul (18E) 08-12 September

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