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is lower than predictions for ENSO. Should a negative IOD establish then wetter than normal conditions become more likely across Australia and Southern Asia; drier than normal conditions in East Africa for the Short Rains season (October-November-December). 3-Month Outlook September to November 2020

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parts of southern Asia, Australasia, northern parts of South America, along with southern parts of Africa are likely to be wetter than normal. Meanwhile, parts of Central and East Africa and the Middle East are likely to be drier than normal. Much More Likely Below Normal Near-Normal Above Normal

Cuba weather

As the largest island in the Caribbean Sea, Cuba provides crystal clear turquoise waters and dazzling white sand. This tropical island enjoys year round heat, with wet and dry seasons.

Cuba weather averages and climate The weather on this idyllic Island is hot and humid, with the temperatures varying very little through the year. There is a wet season, which also coincides with the Atlantic Hurricane season. Data from Havana weather station. Average daily max (°C) Jan Feb Mar Apr

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:// Additional Information: (1) Note: Wet/Very Wet in the south; normal elsewhere (2) Note: Large variations; Very Dry in south, Very Wet in northeast * Region usually experiences less than 10mm/month rainfall during the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Africa


Mixed conditions bring warm and wet summer for the UK

and August’s respective average temperatures were generally closer to average. However, despite above average temperatures for the season, it has also been a wetter than average summer, with July leading the way in terms of rainfall; which was provisionally the UK’s sixth wettest July on record


Indian weather and climate research uplift

The South Asian summer monsoon directly affects the lives of around one billion people, providing 80% of annual rainfall in the region.

1970 Asia has been hit by more than 5000 natural disasters. In India, and indeed across most of South Asia, many of the natural hazards are related to the weather and climate of the South Asian monsoon.  Forecasting the precise timing and location of the rains is vital to the region's economy, which

Maldives holiday weather

The tropical climate of the Maldives results in hot temperatures all year round, but the monsoonal seasons dramatically affect the amount of rainfall through the year.

Maldives weather averages and climate Located near the equator, the Maldives enjoy a tropical climate this is consistently hot and often humid all year round, but with distinct wet and dry seasons.  Between December and April rainfall amounts are at their lowest, accompanied with the longest hours

Climate Science for Service Partnership China

to identify if climate change has altered the likelihood or intensity of extreme events, as well as provide an insight into similar events around the world in the future. Climate dynamics and predictability  Events such as El Niño and the East Asian Summer Monsoon are linked to extreme events

Seasonal Climate Outlooks

What is the Seasonal Climate Outlook? Following the El Nino event in 2015, the Met Office worked with the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the University of Reading to design a new service which would provide insights into the upcoming season and enable more

North-east Brazil rainfall

Forecasts for the north-east part of Brazil between 0° S to 10° S and east of 50° W for the February to May wet season.

The wet season is between February and May with considerable year-to-year and decade-to-decade variability. The forecasts are produced using a combination of dynamical forecast models and statistical predictions and include predictions of the most likely of five rainfall categories (very wet, wet

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