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When is rainy season?

is controlled by the monsoon, making for persistent heavy rains. Whereas the rainy season in Cuba is related to the occurrence of heavy evening thunderstorms and infrequent but intense tropical cyclones (hurricanes). Countries and regions with a monsoon rainy season A monsoon is a reversal of the mean

Location of tropical cyclones

Africa and Indian Ocean islands such as Mauritius and Madagascar. When the average wind speed of the storm reaches 74 mph, the tropical cyclone is classified by various different names globally despite resulting from the same process: Hurricanes - Atlantic and North-East Pacific Oceans Typhoon/Super

Dominican Republic weather

months. While the rest of the country benefits from a wet summer, it allows for the best travel prospects throughout the winter, spring and autumn, while the summer months are hurricane season across the Caribbean. Average daily max (°C) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 28.6 28.9

Observed and Forecast Tracks: Northern Hemisphere 2011

low and skill scores high with just a slight slow bias for this hurricane. Beatriz (02E) 19-22 June 75/- knots Forecast tracks were too far to the left resulting in a failure to predict the proximity of the track to land. Calvin (03E) 07-10 July 70 knots Calvin was relatively short lived. Track


Satellite image of the month - 2020

2020 2020 has seen an especially active Atlantic Hurricane season. At the time of writing in early October the pre-determined list of 21 names for Atlantic storms has already been exhausted and Greek characters are now being used. This has only happened once before in the very active 2005 hurricane

Wellington weather

venue in the city is the Wellington Regional Stadium, home to the Wellington Lions ITM Cup Rugby team as well as the Super Rugby Hurricanes, and known to locals as 'the Cake Tin' due to its distinctive shape. Big-name musicians including Ozzy Osbourne, Kiss, AC/DC and Bon Jovi have all played

The Beaufort Scale

expressions of moderate and cloudy etc. etc.'. Beaufort's first scale had 13 forces and he also developed a series of 'weather letters' which could be used to describe various states of the sky. Beaufort revised his scale in 1807 to the more familiar 12 forces with the strongest being described as 'hurricane


A windy weekend ahead for southern Britain

stream, with cooler temperatures to the north and warm temperatures to the south. Ex-Ophelia which affected Ireland and Britain on Monday and Tuesday had a different origin as it developed from a hurricane in the tropical Atlantic. You can find out the current forecast in your area using our forecast

Measuring the impact

The Met Office Space Weather Operations Centre (MOSWOC) uses numbered scales developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). These scales are similar to those used to describe hurricanes or earthquakes and are used world-wide to classify space weather conditions

Observed and forecast tracks: northern hemisphere 2012

-of-track bias during recurvature and the model tended to weaken the storm too soon. Gilma (07E) 07-11 August 70 knots Track forecast errors were low and skill scores high for this hurricane. Hector (08E) 11-17 August 45 knots Track forecast errors were low for this storm, although the model failed

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