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and emergency management authorities improve preparedness ahead of the tropical cyclone season by providing insights into the number of cyclones that may occur in a region. Through WCSSP Southeast Asia, researchers from institutes in the UK, the Philippines and Vietnam have identified a new approach

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/. Additional Information: (1) Note: Cool or Cold in the north, hot in the south (2) Note: Wet in the northeast, dry in southeast, else normal (3) Note: Very dry in the northeast * Region usually experiences less than 10mm/month rainfall during the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Global: August to May

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elsewhere (3) Note: Wet in parts of the north, normal* elsewhere * Region usually experiences less than 10mm/month rainfall during the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Global: November to August Current Status 11 Current Status – Caribbean Current Status: Temperature Current Status: Rainfall November

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of the wetter season for North Africa and the northern parts of the Middle East; however, some areas have experienced drier than normal conditions. During September to November, much of the Caribbean region was drier than normal although Haiti and Guyana experienced normal or above normal rainfall


seasonal outlooks at regional and national level. Collaborative assessment of 12 dynamical seasonal prediction systems conducted, assessing ability to predict South Asian seasonal precipitation and temperature during two key monsoon seasons; southwest (June-September) and northeast (October

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and policies impact future climate resilience, and who should be engaged in further work. Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARRCC) © Crown Copyright | Met Office 2022 Using Climate Risk Narratives to Climate Risk

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is lower than predictions for ENSO. Should a negative IOD establish then wetter than normal conditions become more likely across Australia and Southern Asia; drier than normal conditions in East Africa for the Short Rains season (October-November-December). 3-Month Outlook September to November 2020

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parts of southern Asia, Australasia, northern parts of South America, along with southern parts of Africa are likely to be wetter than normal. Meanwhile, parts of Central and East Africa and the Middle East are likely to be drier than normal. Much More Likely Below Normal Near-Normal Above Normal


outlook in real time at the South Asian Seasonal Climate Outlook Forum (SASCOF). This outlook provides a joint assessment of the upcoming season over South Asia to offer guidance to the region’s NMHSs for their preparations of national-level seasonal outlooks and to support climate-sensitive sectors

Thailand holiday weather

Thailand climate information Part of Thailand's appeal is its warm temperatures throughout the year, but its weather is dramatically characterised by two monsoon seasons. As a result Thailand's weather tends to be defined by three seasons: the wet season (May to October), the cool season (November

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