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Return to top L L Low pressure centre LAN Inland (or over land) LCA Locally LCBR Laser Cloud Base Recorder LIDAR LIght Detecting And Ranging LSQ Line squall LV Light & variable (relating to wind) LYR Layer(s), layered Return to top M M Less than 0°C (temperature) M Less than the lowest reportable


Satellite image of the month - 2019

temperature as sensed by Himawari-8, a Japanese geostationary satellite. It was captured minutes before the lowest VIIRS measurement. The colour scale shows the very coldest cloud-tops as a bright purple colour. Near the centre of Typhoon Kammuri temperatures of below -100°C (173.15 K) can be seen


Has spring weather influenced your mood?

or rainier times of the year.  “When light hits the back of the eye, messages are passed to the part of the brain responsible for sleep, appetite, sex drive, temperature, mood, and activity. Without enough light, these functions are likely to slow down. When seasons change, we might find our mood


the majority of the impacts as gusts exceeded 80 mph in a few places. Power outages were widely reported across the warning areas, with around 12,000 properties affected across Highland, Aberdeenshire and Moray. In north-east England and Yorkshire around 14,000 properties lost power supplies

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1.1yrs • Science data on transit thru’ LGA & MGA? © Crown copyright Met Office Ground Segment • Need 4 ground stations (15m dedicated dish) • 2/3 data centres for resilience • UK, US, S Korea ?? © Crown copyright Met Office Priority needs for L5 instruments / parameters • EUV imager • Magnetometer

Microsoft Word - CompleteDocumentOctober2019.docx

in Monmouthshire. There were delays and disruption on road and rail lines due to flooding in northern England and the West Midlands. Northern England also saw some property flooding. Staffordshire and Hertfordshire town centres were flooded, and there was property flooding in Stoke on Trent with rescues from

Satellite image of the month - 2022

, shows EUV radiation measured at a wavelength of 30.4 nanometres, with striking prominence eruptions being seen in the top-right hand and lower-right hand quadrants of the Sun's limb. EUV photons, travelling at the speed of light, give valuable insights into the solar sources of space weather. SUVI

Sarah Millington

on developing defence products to aid military operations in the Defence applications team. The main areas of Sarah's work were the use of NWP data for radar propagation prediction and the development of a tool to forecast night-time light levels to aid the use of night-vision goggles. In 2009 Sarah

NCIC Monthly Summary

of this month’s impacts centred around the very disturbed spell from 16th to 21st; Storm Dudley was the first of three named storms. ScotRail closed 95% of its network as a precaution measure from 16:00 on the 16th, with trees falling onto overhead wires. Sailings from Larne and Cairnryan were cancelled. Fallen


forecasts to inform their decision making. The regional forecast for Western Kenya would be produced in English by KMD’s National Meteorological Centre in Nairobi every day of the year. It would cover the 14 counties of Western Kenya whose climate is strongly influence by proximity to Lake Victoria

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