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Dr Malcolm Roberts

, and how these might be represented in lower resolution models. He now leads the High Resolution Global Climate Modelling group, which studies the effects of model resolution in the coupled atmosphere/ocean/sea-ice system. External recognition Co-lead of CMIP6 HighResMIP protocol Member of the US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group Coordinator of the Horizon 2020 PRIMAVERA project


Satellite image of the month - 2018

‘spider’. Also in this image, near the top edge, there are some ripples in the cloud which are atmospheric gravity waves. Credits: NASA (data), Met Office (image). October 2018: Satellite image of Hurricane Michael shortly after landfall in Florida 10 October 2018 On 10 October 2018 a Major Hurricane


State of the Global Climate: 2017

a feature of our climate, and 2017 also experienced some notable events. In 2017 extreme rainfall in Venezuela triggered the most devastating floods in over a decade, whilst Hurricane Harvey set new rainfall records in Texas. In contrast, extreme drought affected at least 3% of global land area each month, a figure matched only in 1984, 1985, and 2016.”


High pressure gives way to unsettled weather

rain will be accompanied by hail, thunderstorms and gusty winds, leading to flooding and difficult driving conditions.”  Tuesday’s low-pressure system contains the remnants of Hurricane Humberto, bringing with it warm and humid air.  This system will clear eastwards later on Tuesday, however low


A wet and windy start to October

waters they will lose this source of energy and weaken rapidly as a result. The waters in our latitudes of the North Atlantic are far too cool to sustain an actual hurricane. Steve Ramsdale, Chief Operational Meteorologist explains: “The remnants of tropical systems are likely to impact our weather

Dr Leon Hermanson

and academia to understand and predict climate variability and is particularly interested in North Atlantic climate variability of phenomena such as wind storms, hurricanes, and the predictability of the North Atlantic Ocean northward heat transport.   Career background Leon joined the Predictability


the fifthcostliest year for insured losses since 1980 1 . In the USA alone, there have already been 15 events with damages of at least US$ 1bn in 2017*, resulting in the deaths of 282 people. Loss estimates for hurricanes Maria, Irma and Harvey range from US$ 15bn to US$ 55bn each 2 . Are extremes

Humanitarian disaster response

MapAction. Or even assisting deployed teams for the charity as they support the emergency response to hurricanes, earthquakes and humanitarian crises around the world. As Jo has found, these two parts of life aren’t as separate as they may seem. When disaster strikes, it’s essential that national

PowerPoint Presentation

Cyclone outlook: The 2023 Atlantic hurricane season ended at the end of November. The latest forecast, issued 01 August 2023, suggested a more active than usual North Atlantic tropical storm seasonal in 2023 - 19 named storms predicted (1991-2020 long-term average – 14), 9 hurricanes (long-term


2016: indicators of a changing climate

of intensity, longevity, damage and fatalities was Hurricane Matthew. Here it is captured passing over the eastern tip of Cuba. The Met Office’s Dr Robert Dunn has co-edited the global climate chapter of the report. He added: “Added to climate change, the planet also experiences natural variation within

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