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Tropical cyclones

have there been in recent years and which places have been hit by them? Information on the frequency and tracks of recent tropical cyclones. Tropical cyclone facts Who decides what the next name is going to be? What's the difference between a hurricane and a typhoon? Is climate change affecting tropical cyclones? For queries on the Met Office involvement in tropical cyclone forecasting, email [email protected].


Fresh breeze 10 15 14.64 22.00 0.492 1.107 Fresh gale 20 25 29.34 36.67 1.968 3.075 Strong gale 30 35 44.01 51.34 4.429 6.027 Hard gale 40 45 56.68 66.01 7.873 9.963 Storm 50 75.35 12.300 Violent hurricanes, tempests, etc. 60 80 100 88.02 117.36 146.70 17.715 31.490 49.200 Table 1. Velocities and forces

Dr Doug Smith

and the University of Bristol. Doug obtained a BSc in Mechanical Engineering, and a PhD in computational fluid dynamics from Imperial College London. External recognition Lloyds' science of risk prize 2010, overall winner for research showing skilful multi-year predictions of Atlantic hurricane frequency.

Observed and forecast tracks: northern hemisphere 2020

depression in real time. In post season reanalysis 07E was upgraded to a tropical storm. Douglas (08E) 20-29 July 954 mb, 115 knots Track forecast errors were very low for this hurricane, particularly at shorter lead times. For example, 3- and 4-day errors were less than half of the 5-year running mean


Awakening Atlantic heralds autumn’s arrival

, marking a return to more traditional autumnal weather. This rainfall – associated with the remnants ex-Hurricane Lee – will be heaviest and most persistent across parts of Wales and northwest England. Some surface-water and river flooding is possible in these areas, with a Yellow weather warning in force


Polar Vortex

hour) – the strength of the winds in the strongest hurricanes (known as Category 5). During the winter it can strengthen and weaken. These changes exert an influence lower down in the atmosphere and ultimately on our weather. How does the Polar Vortex affect our weather? A strong polar vortex favours

UK storm season 2017/18

Dun Fell in Cumbria and Storm Dylan with 96 mph recorded at Cairngorm Summit . A-Z of named UK storm names 2017/18 Name Date named Date of impact on UK and/or Ireland Storm Aileen 12 September 2017  12 - 13 September 2017 Ex-Hurricane Ophelia 11 October 2017 (Named by NHC) 16 - 17 October 2017 Storm

Dr Malcolm Roberts

, and how these might be represented in lower resolution models. He now leads the High Resolution Global Climate Modelling group, which studies the effects of model resolution in the coupled atmosphere/ocean/sea-ice system. External recognition Co-lead of CMIP6 HighResMIP protocol Member of the US CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group Coordinator of the Horizon 2020 PRIMAVERA project


, primarily as a result of ocean warming and melting of land-based ice. Even this relatively modest rise has been linked to substantial increases in coastal flood risk. For example, one study looking at the severe flooding in New York caused by Hurricane Sandy found that recent sea level rise had made


daranau. Bob blwyddyn, mae sawl un yn cyrraedd y tir a gallant achosi difrod sylweddol i eiddo a marwolaethau. Cânt hefyd eu galw'n deiffwnau neu gylchoedd gwynt trofannol. Dysgwch ragor yma: weather/tropical-cyclones/ hurricane hazards

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