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Microsoft PowerPoint - UKCP18_CPM_launch_kendon_Sept19-20190926

) compared to Regional (12km) Dry Light Regional Projected winter changes to 2061-2080 for RCP8.5 – fractional difference in winter events of different intensity Moderate Heavy Local Possible explanation: improved representation of convective showers in Local (2.2km) Working together on UK Climate


The Met Office charting the future for global aviation meteorology

and UK Government. The Met Office is a key player in international aeronautical meteorology being one of only two World Area Forecast Centres, providing forecasts for long-haul flights, and one of nine Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres, monitoring volcanic ash emissions. The Met Office works widely


Weather forecasts and climate data

  There is a lot of historic weather and climate information on our website including: UK weather extremes UK monthly weather summaries UK regions - climate Data sets Maps and graphs Upcoming major events  Check out the weather for upcoming major events. Climate  The Met Office Hadley Centre is one

Dr Vanessa Hernaman

Climate Change Centre of Excellence, a climate science research centre in Australia which undertook research to inform Queensland's response to climate change, climate variability, and climate extremes. Vanessa worked on a range of projects including investigating observed and projected change


Weather forecasts and climate data

  There is a lot of historic weather and climate information on our website including: UK weather extremes UK monthly weather summaries UK regions - climate Data sets Maps and graphs Upcoming major events  Check out the weather for upcoming major events. Climate  The Met Office Hadley Centre is one


Met Office climate scientist awarded an OBE

Professor Lowe included in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.  “At the Met Office we have some of the best teams anywhere in the world working on climate change and as Head of Climate Services at the Met Office Hadley Centre, Jason is a vital part of that.  “He has made a major contribution to our

HadGEM2 family: Met Office climate prediction model

Note that the most recent HadGEM model is the HadGEM3 HadGEM2 stands for the Hadley Centre Global Environment Model version 2. The HadGEM2 family of models comprises a range of specific model configurations incorporating different levels of complexity but with a common physical framework

Global ocean circulation

the Met Office Hadley Centre Met Office seasonal and climate models, including an ensemble based on Met Office climate prediction model: HadCM3  but with variations in the representation of physical processes. This is a useful tool in understanding uncertainties in the processes. We are also involved

Dr Gareth S Jones

contributed to recent changes in observed temperatures. He was involved in producing climate model simulation data for the IPCC third and fourth assessment reports. Career background Gareth joined the detection and attribution team in the Met Office Hadley Centre in 1997. Prior to joining the Met Office

Dr John Hemmings

Centre. John’s post-doctoral research focused primarily on investigating ways of using satellite data to improve marine ecosystem models and their state estimates. A particular goal was to improve the representation of the carbon cycle in ocean and Earth system models with a view to better

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