Dr Rob Chadwick
Rob looks at changes in the global water cycle related to climate change and variability, focusing on the tropics.
Areas of expertise
Tropical circulation and precipitation
Satellite rainfall estimation
African climate
Current activities
Rob is interested in changes in the tropical circulation and precipitation associated with climate change and variability. He has recently been working on novel ways of analysing the Pacific Walker circulation, and on changes to the tropical circulation in an idealised geoengineering model experiment, where CO2 is added, then removed from the atmosphere. He is involved in looking at how tropical climate and precipitation change in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble, and is active in the Monsoon working group with other members of the Global Water Cycle team.
Career background
Before joining the Met Office in 2010, Rob gained a PhD from the University of Reading Department of Meteorology. This involved developing an improved method of estimating rainfall over Africa from satellite data. As an undergraduate, Rob studied Mathematics and Physics at the University of Durham, after which he taught English as a foreign language for several years in Japan and Italy.