An external view of the Met Office building at night.

Dr Mark McCarthy

Areas of expertise

  • Climate Attribution
  • Climate Monitoring
  • UK Climate
  • Urban climate
  • Regional climate prediction
  • Land surface modelling

My Publications - McCarthy, M

Current activities

Mark's work is to lead the climate attribution team to provide analysis of the human influence on global and regional climate change. The purpose of the group is to develop scientific capability to detect the signature of climate change and attribute to the cause.  

Career background

Mark joined the Met Office Hadley Centre in 1999, where he spent the first 7 years years of his career working in the Climate Monitoring and Attribution team studying observational records of the variability and change in atmospheric water vapour. In that time he also completed a PhD at Imperial College London on the same topic. He then moved to the Climate impacts group to research urban climate impacts, specifically understanding how regional and global climate change are expressed through the urban heat island. He has been actively involved in a wide range of projects from the Amazon to the Indian monsoon utilising developments in the land surface scheme within regional and global climate models. Mark returned to the climate monitoring and attribution team in October 2012 as manager of the national climate information centre, providing underpinning observational datasets and analysis of UK climate change. In 2023 he became the manager of the climate attribution team.