An external view of the Met Office building at night.

Lorenzo Tomassini

Areas of expertise

  • Interaction between convection and large-scale circulation
  • Climate model development and evaluation
  • Regional hydrological cycles and related extremes
  • Radiative climate feedbacks

Publications by Lorenzo Tomassini

Current activities

Lorenzo is a Senior Scientist on convection, large-scale dynamics, and global model development. His work explores the interaction between moist diabatic processes and the atmospheric circulation on a wide range of scales. The interaction between convection, and related cloud and boundary layer processes, and the large-scale atmospheric dynamics is at the heart of gaps in our current understanding of weather and climate. It is also key in the response of the climate system to external perturbations.

Lorenzo contributes to advancing our understanding of how small-scale moist diabatic processes interact with the atmospheric circulation, how this interaction influences regional precipitation patterns, and how convective organisation is shaped by, and feeds back on, the larger scales. With his work he also supports and informs the development of the global configuration of the Met Office Unified Model.

Career background

Lorenzo has been a member of the Global Model Evaluation and Development group of the Met Office since September 2015. Prior to joining the Met Office he worked as a scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany. He has coordinated the global model intercomparison within the Grey Zone Project initiated by the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and endorsed by GASS (GEWEX Atmosphere System Study). Lorenzo obtained Ph.D.s in Mathematics as well as in Natural Sciences, both from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland.

Since March 2025 he is also an Associate Professor in the School of Mathematics at the University of Leeds.