An external view of the Met Office building at night.

Dr Jonathan Baker

Areas of expertise

  • Climate change
  • Ocean circulation
  • Climate modelling
    Publications by Jonathan Baker.

Current activities

Understanding the processes that impact the Atlantic overturning circulation (AMOC) and the risk of it collapsing under greenhouse gas forcing using climate models and observations.
Investigating the past state of the ocean (e.g., temperature, salinity, circulation, sea-ice) by running and analysing global ocean reanalyses.

Career background

Jonathan studied Meteorology and Climate (MMet) at the University of Reading, including a year at the University of Oklahoma, before earning his PhD at University of Exeter. Since joining the Met Office in 2019, his work has focused on understanding the global ocean circulation, with a particular emphasis on the historical and future evolution of the Atlantic overturning circulation. He also co-produced the latest Met Office ocean reanalysis, providing critical insights into how the ocean has changed over recent decades.