Isabel Rushby
Isabel is a scientist delivering consultancy services to industry with a particular focus in the Water and Energy sectors.
Areas of expertise
- Statistical impact modelling
- Extreme value analysis
- Water
- Energy
Current activities
Isabel works closely with customers across the energy and water sectors, helping enable them to understand the impact of weather and climate on their operations. This includes developing forecast services for water usage and freeze-thaw events, contextualising impactful weather events using extreme value analysis, and identifying adverse weather scenarios for resilience testing of a future highly renewable energy system.
Career background
Isabel joined the Met Office in June 2020 after graduating from the University of Manchester with a first class MMath in Mathematics, including a year studying Statistics at the University of California. Her final Masters project involved using image segmentation techniques to detect stationary precipitation from radar data which could be used for short term forecasts of flash flooding. Isabel is a Graduate Statistician member of the Royal Statistical Society and was awarded a prize for her presentation at the Royal Meteorological Society’s Student and Early Career Scientist Conference in 2021.