Dr Emma Fiedler
Emma works on development, evaluation and support for the sea ice model component of the Met Office's prediction systems.
Areas of expertise
Modelling of sea ice using NEMO/SI3
Sea ice observations and data assimilation
Sea ice in the polar climate system
Ocean and sea ice forecasting
Sea surface temperatures, particularly at high latitudes
Current activities
Emma is a senior scientist in the Polar Climate group within the Met Office Hadley Centre, with a focus on sea ice.
Her activities include developing the representation of dynamical processes in the sea ice model, NEMO/SI3, and providing support to users of the sea ice model configurations.
Her current research focuses on using machine learning methods to examine modes of sea ice variability in the climate system.
Career background
Emma joined the Met Office in April 2009. Before moving to her current post in the Polar Climate group, she worked within the Ocean Forecasting Research and Development area, first on the OSTIA (Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Ice Analysis) system, and then on sea ice thickness assimilation in the FOAM (Forecast Ocean Assimilation Model) system.
Prior to joining the Met Office, she completed a PhD at the University of East Anglia on air-sea-ice interactions. She also held a CASE studentship with the British Antarctic Survey, undertaking Antarctic fieldwork. As an undergraduate, Emma studied Meteorology and Oceanography at the University of East Anglia and spent a year studying at UCSB, California.