Month | Maximum temperature (°C) | Minimum temperature (°C) | Days of air frost (days) | Sunshine (hours) | Rainfall (mm) | Days of rainfall ≥1 mm (days) | Monthly mean wind speed at 10 m (knots) |
January | 6.06 | 0.75 | 8.38 | – | 48.63 | 10.07 | 12.42 |
February | 6.40 | 0.81 | 7.94 | – | 34.90 | 7.67 | 11.70 |
March | 9.35 | 2.18 | 4.40 | – | 47.84 | 10.40 | 12.66 |
April | 11.84 | 3.67 | 1.54 | – | 42.72 | 9.67 | 11.84 |
May | 15.20 | 6.80 | 0.16 | – | 51.12 | 10.53 | 11.90 |
June | 18.49 | 9.53 | 0.02 | – | 49.75 | 7.57 | 10.10 |
July | 20.48 | 11.45 | 0.00 | – | 40.95 | 8.27 | 9.72 |
August | 20.60 | 11.07 | 0.00 | – | 66.90 | 8.40 | 10.19 |
September | 18.13 | 9.64 | 0.01 | – | 52.02 | 9.27 | 10.77 |
October | 14.63 | 7.04 | 0.23 | – | 45.47 | 8.70 | 11.68 |
November | 9.37 | 3.43 | 2.72 | – | 53.50 | 11.10 | 12.06 |
December | 6.90 | 1.56 | 6.30 | – | 48.01 | 10.67 | 12.62 |
Annual | 13.16 | 5.69 | 31.71 | – | 581.81 | 112.32 | – |
This webpage provides long-term climate averages for specific locations across the UK. It is designed to display locations that provide even geographical coverage of the UK, but is not reflective of every weather station that has existed or the current Met Office observation network. More detailed information on the data available at these locations is below, and data is available for a number of climate variables, including temperature, frost, sunshine and rainfall.
For long-term data on the UK's climate as a whole or by region, you can download this directly on the UK and regional series webpage.
Find out more about the Met Office's current observation network.
By searching for a location or selecting a climate station on the map above, you can view climate averages for the 30-year period 1991-2020. Climate averages are also available for earlier periods 1981-2010, 1971-2000 and 1961-1990. The averages are available across a range of climate variables and in the following formats:
Averages table
The averages table shows 30-year averages for the nearest / most similar climate station to your chosen location. Tables below show averages for districts, regions and the UK. Some stations may not have all climate variables available.
Averages graphs
The graph provides an alternative representation of the average data for your chosen location. By moving your mouse cursor over the graph you can see the average figures for your chosen climate variable for each month. The graph also includes 20th and 80th percentile values. We would expect, on average, one year in every five to be below the 20th percentile value, and one year in every five to be above the 80th percentile value.
Location comparison
The comparison graphs enable you to compare the averages for two chosen locations. For example, you can see if one location is, on average, significantly warmer, drier, or sunnier than the other.
Averages maps
These maps enable you to view maps of monthly, seasonal and annual averages for the UK. The maps are based on the 1km resolution HadUK-Grid dataset derived from station data.
Where stations are currently closed in this dataset, well-correlated observations from other nearby stations are used to help inform latest long-term average figures in order to preserve the long-term usability of the data. Similar peer-reviewed scientific methods are used by meteorological organisations around the world to maintain the continuity of long-term datasets.