Monthly to decadal prediction scientists
Our monthly to decadal prediction scientists
- Prof. Adam Scaife
Adam leads our work on Monthly to Decadal Prediction while carrying out personal research on mechanisms, computer modelling and predictability of climate.
- Dr Philip Bett
Philip researches the impacts of climate variability and climate change.
- Dr Ruth Comer
Ruth works on the development of new seasonal forecast products.
- Dr Nick Dunstone
Nick works on understanding dynamical climate variability over monthly to decadal climate prediction timescales.
- Dr David Fereday
David works on developing and improving the seasonal forecast model.
- Dr Steven Hardiman
Steven works on climate dynamics.
- Dr Leon Hermanson
Leon works on understanding predictability from seasonal to decadal time scales.
- Sarah Ineson
Sarah is a climate scientist working on El Niño Southern Oscillation.
Gillian works on understanding the likelihood and dynamics of extreme climate events in the current climate.
Chris works in the Monthly-to-Decadal Variability and Predictability group and undertakes scientific research in the field of global climate dynamics, climate predictions and services.
Jamie leads the development and implementation of the Met Office Monthly to Seasonal forecast system.
- Jeff Knight
Jeff works on developing understanding and modelling of the key physical mechanisms in monthly to decadal prediction.
- Dr Julia Lockwood
Julia researches predictability and variability on monthly to decadal timescales, specialising in extra-tropical cyclones over Europe.
- Dr Anna Maidens
Anna works on analysing and calibrating the output from the dynamical forecasting model for seasonal timescales.
- Melissa Seabrook
Melissa works on monthly to decadal climate prediction.
- Dr Doug Smith
Doug leads the decadal climate prediction research and development at the Met Office Hadley Centre.
- Dr. Nicky Stringer
Nicky researches the impacts of climate variability and change, particularly hydrological impacts and droughts.
Hazel manages the Monthly to Decadal Prediction and Impacts team. Her research aims to improve understanding of near-term climate predictability and its usefulness for society.