UKCP data
Download UK Climate Projections (UKCP) data, find out what data is available, and how you can use it.
UKCP User Interface
Download and customise climate projections for any region in the UK by using the UKCP User Interface.
CEDA catalogue
Access datasets not included in the UKCP User Interface. For example, you can find UKCP Global (60km) and UKCP Regional (12km) data for other parts of the world in the CEDA catalogue.
UKCP data factsheets
A collection of documents that provide short overview of the projections for different products and metrics, such as temperature or precipitation.
UKCP data caveats and limitations
Summary of the key caveats and limitations you need to be aware of when using or referencing UKCP data.
Available data, access and data formats
Find out more about what datasets are available, how to access them as well as their characteristics and formats.