Viewed from space, the sun shines on the earth globe, with continents represented by data symbols 0 and 1.

Strategic Priorities Fund

The Met Office and UKRI have been working together to deliver four programmes under the UK's Government's Strategic Priorities Fund

We have jointly led three of the programmes with the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) along with various other organisations. The UK Climate Resilience programme aimed to ensure the UK is resilient to climate variability and change. Delivered across two waves, the Clean Air Programme is tackling indoor and outdoor air pollution and its effects on our health. The work of these programmes has brought together a broad range of research disciplines to drive an increase in high quality multi- and interdisciplinary research and innovation.

The ExCALIBUR Programme is being jointly led by the Met Office and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) in partnership with other organisations. The programme aims to redesign high priority simulation codes and algorithms to fully harness the power of future supercomputers, keeping UK research and development at the forefront of high-performance simulation science. 

Open and competitive calls have run for all three programmes, and more information on each programme can be found via the pages below.

If you would like to get in touch with us about our Strategic Priorities Fund Programmes, please contact us.
