Monthly Weather Reports
The Monthly Weather Report was a monthly Meteorological publication which started in January 1884 and ended in December 1993.
The Monthly Weather Report was a monthly Meteorological publication which started in January 1884 and ended in December 1993.
The monthly weather report contained a general summary of the main features of the weather for each month. The exact format of the rest of the report has changed over time but it has also contained a variety of monthly maps, station data and district values. These are scans of the initial reports that were published and they do not include any official corrections which may have been published at a later date.
The full monthly weather summaries have been scanned and are available from the UK observation & Reports section of our Digital Library & Archive.
Monthly information on the weather for 2000 onwards can be found from the UK climate summaries section.
All information originating from the Met Office is subject to Crown Copyright and is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence