Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets
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HadISDH data download - version

The current version of HadISDH.extremes is For previous versions please contact the dataset maintainers.

These data are available under a free and unrestricted Open Government Licence UK.

NetCDF gridded files contain fields on 5° by 5° resolution from -177.5° W/87.5° N to 177.5° E/-87.5° S based on the 1991-2020 climatology period.

Missing data are represented by -1e30.

Extremes Indices Descriptions
Short Name Field Name Unit Long Name Description
TwX tw_max ° C maximum wet bulb temperature Gridbox mean of station month maxima of daily maxima Tw
TwXX tw_max_max ° C maximum maximum wet bulb temperature Gridbox maximum of station month maxima of daily maxima Tw
TwX90p tw_max_90p % days per month 90th percentile maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw exceeds the climatological 90th percentile of daily maxima for the month
TwX10p tw_max_10p % days per month 10th percentile maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is lower than the climatological 10th percentile of daily maxima for the month
TwM90p tw_mean_90p % days per month 90th percentile mean wet bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily mean Tw exceeds the climatological 90th percentile of daily means for the month
TwM10p tw_mean_10p % days per month 10th percentile mean wet bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily mean Tw is lower than the climatological 10th percentile of daily means for the month
TwN90p tw_min_90p % days per month 90th percentile minimum wet bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily minimum Tw exceeds the climatological 10th percentile of daily minima for the month
TwN10p tw_min_10p % days per month 10th percentile minimum wet bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily minimum Tw is lower than the climatological 10th percentile of daily minima for the month
TwN tw_min ° C Minimum daily minima wet bulb temperature Gridbox mean of station month minima of daily minima Tw
TwX25 tw_max_ex25 % days per month 25 ° C maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is equal to or exceeds 25 ° C
TwX27 tw_max_ex27 % days per month 27 ° C maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is equal to or exceeds 27 ° C
TwX29 tw_max_ex29 % days per month 29 ° C maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is equal to or exceeds 29 ° C
TwX31 tw_max_ex31 % days per month 31 ° C maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is equal to or exceeds 31 ° C
TwX33 tw_max_ex33 % days per month 33 ° C maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is equal to or exceeds 33 ° C
TwX35 tw_max_ex35 % days per month 35 ° C maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is equal to or exceeds 35 ° C
TX t_max ° C maximum dry bulb temperature Gridbox mean of station month maxima of daily maxima T
TXX t_max_max ° C maximum maximum dry bulb temperature Gridbox maximum of station month maxima of daily maxima T
TX90p t_max_90p % days per month 90th percentile maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T exceeds the climatological 90th percentile of daily maxima for the month
TX10p t_max_10p % days per month 10th percentile maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is lower than the climatological 90th percentile of daily maxima for the month
TM90p t_mean_90p % days per month 90th percentile mean dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily mean T exceeds the climatological 90th percentile of daily means for the month
TM10p t_mean_10p % days per month 10th percentile mean dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily mean T is lower than the climatological 10th percentile of daily means for the month
TN90p t_min_90p % days per month 90th percentile minimum dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily minimum T exceeds the climatological 90th percentile of daily minima for the month
TN10p t_min_10p % days per month 10th percentile minimum dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily minimum T is lower than the climatological 10th percentile of daily minima for the month
TN t_min ° C Minimum daily minima dry bulb temperature Gridbox mean of station month minima of daily minima T
TX25 t_max_ex25 % days per month 25 ° C maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is equal to or exceeds 25 ° C
TX30 t_max_ex30 % days per month 30 ° C maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is equal to or exceeds 30 ° C
TX35 t_max_ex35 % days per month 35 ° C maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is equal to or exceeds 35 ° C
TX40 t_max_ex40 % days per month 40 ° C maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is equal to or exceeds 40 ° C
TX45 t_max_ex45 % days per month 45 ° C maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is equal to or exceeds 45 ° C
TX50 t_max_ex50 % days per month 50 ° C maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is equal to or exceeds 50 ° C
TN18 t_min_ex18 % days per month 18 ° C minimum dry bulb temperature exceedance Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily minimum T is equal to or exceeds 18 ° C

The ASCII good station list file contains a WMO identifier (digits 0-5 (a6)), a WBAN identifier (digits 6-10 (a5)), a latitude (digits 11-19 (f9.4)), a longitude (digits 20-29 (f10.4)), an elevation in metres (digits 29-35 (f7.1)), space, a country ID (digits 37-39 (a2)), space, and a name (digits 41-72 (a32)).

Product Description Data file
HadISDH.extremes*. grids NetCDF Land surface grids,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
HadISDH.extremes*. good station files Station tarball of netCDF files by Index (tar -xf 'TarBallName') - see station list below HadISDH.extremesTwX.,
HadISDH.extremes*. good station list ASCII Stations by WMO identifier, latitude, longitude and elevation PosthomogIDPHAtw_max_anoms9120_goodsHadISDH.,

NetCDF gridded file field Description Dimensions       
*_abs Gridbox means of station monthly index values 72 by 36 by 624
*_anoms Gridbox means of station monthly anomalies from station 1991-2020 climatology period means (only climatological mean subtracted, not standardised) 72 by 36 by 624
*_std Gridbox standard deviations of station monthly anomalies from station 1991-2020 climatology period means (only climatological mean subtracted, not standardised) 72 by 36 by 624
*_clims Gridbox mean of station month climatological means over the 1991-2020 period 72 by 36 by 12
*_clim_std Gridbox mean of station month climatological standard deviations over the 1991-2020 period 72 by 36 by 12
mean_n_stations Total number of stations within the gridbox over entire record 72 by 36
actual_n_stations Actual number of stations within the gridbox for each time step 72 by 36 by 624
HQ1 Score for number of stations within gridbox: 1 station = 1, >1 stations = 0. 72 by 36 by 624
HQ2 Score for inhomogeneity density within gridbox: 1 per station = 2, 0-1 per station = 1, 0 per station = 0. 72 by 36 by 624
HQ3 Score for SMALL (0-0.5 ° C) inhomogeneity density within gridbox: 1 per station = 0, 0-1 per station = 0, 0 per station = 0. 72 by 36 by 624
HQ4 Score for MODERATE (0.5-1 ° C) inhomogeneity density within gridbox: 1 per station = 3, 0-1 per station = 1-2 scaled linearly, 0 per station = 0. 72 by 36 by 624
HQ5 Score for LARGE (1-2 ° C) inhomogeneity density within gridbox: 1 per station = 5, 0-1 per station = 1-4 scaled linearly, 0 per station = 0. 72 by 36 by 624
HQ6 Score for VERY LARGE (>2 ° C) inhomogeneity density within gridbox: 1 per station = 10, 0-1 per station = 1-9 scaled linearly, 0 per station = 0. 72 by 36 by 624
HQ7 Mean adjustment magnitude within gridbox: >= 2 ° C = 10, 1-2 ° C = 4-9 scaled linearly, 0.5-1 ° C = 2-3 scaled linearly, 0-0.5 ° C = 1, 0 ° C = 0. 72 by 36 by 624
HQ8 Mean absolute adjustment magnitude within gridbox: No score - additional indicator as required. 72 by 36 by 624
HQ Flag Homogenisation Quality Flag for the gridbox month: >= 10 = very poor quality, 7-9 = poor quality, 5-6 = moderate quality, 1-4 = good quality, 0 = excellent quality. 72 by 36 by 624
latitude Latitude in 5° 72 by 36
longitude Longitude in 5° 72 by 36
time Gregorian: Days since 1st January 1973 00:00:00 624
months 1-12 12

NetCDF station file field Description Dimensions
*_abs Monthly mean value 624
*_anoms Monthly mean anomaly from the 1991-2020 climatology period (climate anomaly, not standardised) 624
*_stds Standard deviation of all station monthly mean anomalies within the gridbox for each month 624
*_clims Monthly climatologies over the 1991-2020 period 12
times Months since January 1973 624
months 1-12 12

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