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The current version of HadISDH.extremes is For previous versions please contact the dataset maintainers.
These data are available under a free and unrestricted Open Government Licence UK.
NetCDF gridded files contain fields on 5° by 5° resolution from -177.5° W/87.5° N to 177.5° E/-87.5° S based on the 1991-2020 climatology period.
Missing data are represented by -1e30.
Extremes Indices Descriptions | ||||
Short Name | Field Name | Unit | Long Name | Description |
TwX | tw_max | ° C | maximum wet bulb temperature | Gridbox mean of station month maxima of daily maxima Tw |
TwXX | tw_max_max | ° C | maximum maximum wet bulb temperature | Gridbox maximum of station month maxima of daily maxima Tw |
TwX90p | tw_max_90p | % days per month | 90th percentile maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw exceeds the climatological 90th percentile of daily maxima for the month |
TwX10p | tw_max_10p | % days per month | 10th percentile maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is lower than the climatological 10th percentile of daily maxima for the month |
TwM90p | tw_mean_90p | % days per month | 90th percentile mean wet bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily mean Tw exceeds the climatological 90th percentile of daily means for the month |
TwM10p | tw_mean_10p | % days per month | 10th percentile mean wet bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily mean Tw is lower than the climatological 10th percentile of daily means for the month |
TwN90p | tw_min_90p | % days per month | 90th percentile minimum wet bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily minimum Tw exceeds the climatological 10th percentile of daily minima for the month |
TwN10p | tw_min_10p | % days per month | 10th percentile minimum wet bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily minimum Tw is lower than the climatological 10th percentile of daily minima for the month |
TwN | tw_min | ° C | Minimum daily minima wet bulb temperature | Gridbox mean of station month minima of daily minima Tw |
TwX25 | tw_max_ex25 | % days per month | 25 ° C maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is equal to or exceeds 25 ° C |
TwX27 | tw_max_ex27 | % days per month | 27 ° C maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is equal to or exceeds 27 ° C |
TwX29 | tw_max_ex29 | % days per month | 29 ° C maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is equal to or exceeds 29 ° C |
TwX31 | tw_max_ex31 | % days per month | 31 ° C maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is equal to or exceeds 31 ° C |
TwX33 | tw_max_ex33 | % days per month | 33 ° C maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is equal to or exceeds 33 ° C |
TwX35 | tw_max_ex35 | % days per month | 35 ° C maximum wet bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum Tw is equal to or exceeds 35 ° C |
TX | t_max | ° C | maximum dry bulb temperature | Gridbox mean of station month maxima of daily maxima T |
TXX | t_max_max | ° C | maximum maximum dry bulb temperature | Gridbox maximum of station month maxima of daily maxima T |
TX90p | t_max_90p | % days per month | 90th percentile maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T exceeds the climatological 90th percentile of daily maxima for the month |
TX10p | t_max_10p | % days per month | 10th percentile maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is lower than the climatological 90th percentile of daily maxima for the month |
TM90p | t_mean_90p | % days per month | 90th percentile mean dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily mean T exceeds the climatological 90th percentile of daily means for the month |
TM10p | t_mean_10p | % days per month | 10th percentile mean dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily mean T is lower than the climatological 10th percentile of daily means for the month |
TN90p | t_min_90p | % days per month | 90th percentile minimum dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily minimum T exceeds the climatological 90th percentile of daily minima for the month |
TN10p | t_min_10p | % days per month | 10th percentile minimum dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily minimum T is lower than the climatological 10th percentile of daily minima for the month |
TN | t_min | ° C | Minimum daily minima dry bulb temperature | Gridbox mean of station month minima of daily minima T |
TX25 | t_max_ex25 | % days per month | 25 ° C maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is equal to or exceeds 25 ° C |
TX30 | t_max_ex30 | % days per month | 30 ° C maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is equal to or exceeds 30 ° C |
TX35 | t_max_ex35 | % days per month | 35 ° C maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is equal to or exceeds 35 ° C |
TX40 | t_max_ex40 | % days per month | 40 ° C maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is equal to or exceeds 40 ° C |
TX45 | t_max_ex45 | % days per month | 45 ° C maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is equal to or exceeds 45 ° C |
TX50 | t_max_ex50 | % days per month | 50 ° C maximum dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily maximum T is equal to or exceeds 50 ° C |
TN18 | t_min_ex18 | % days per month | 18 ° C minimum dry bulb temperature exceedance | Gridbox mean of station percentages of days where the daily minimum T is equal to or exceeds 18 ° C |
The ASCII good station list file contains a WMO identifier (digits 0-5 (a6)), a WBAN identifier (digits 6-10 (a5)), a latitude (digits 11-19 (f9.4)), a longitude (digits 20-29 (f10.4)), an elevation in metres (digits 29-35 (f7.1)), space, a country ID (digits 37-39 (a2)), space, and a name (digits 41-72 (a32)).
NetCDF gridded file field | Description | Dimensions |
*_abs | Gridbox means of station monthly index values | 72 by 36 by 624 |
*_anoms | Gridbox means of station monthly anomalies from station 1991-2020 climatology period means (only climatological mean subtracted, not standardised) | 72 by 36 by 624 |
*_std | Gridbox standard deviations of station monthly anomalies from station 1991-2020 climatology period means (only climatological mean subtracted, not standardised) | 72 by 36 by 624 |
*_clims | Gridbox mean of station month climatological means over the 1991-2020 period | 72 by 36 by 12 |
*_clim_std | Gridbox mean of station month climatological standard deviations over the 1991-2020 period | 72 by 36 by 12 |
mean_n_stations | Total number of stations within the gridbox over entire record | 72 by 36 |
actual_n_stations | Actual number of stations within the gridbox for each time step | 72 by 36 by 624 |
HQ1 | Score for number of stations within gridbox: 1 station = 1, >1 stations = 0. | 72 by 36 by 624 |
HQ2 | Score for inhomogeneity density within gridbox: 1 per station = 2, 0-1 per station = 1, 0 per station = 0. | 72 by 36 by 624 |
HQ3 | Score for SMALL (0-0.5 ° C) inhomogeneity density within gridbox: 1 per station = 0, 0-1 per station = 0, 0 per station = 0. | 72 by 36 by 624 |
HQ4 | Score for MODERATE (0.5-1 ° C) inhomogeneity density within gridbox: 1 per station = 3, 0-1 per station = 1-2 scaled linearly, 0 per station = 0. | 72 by 36 by 624 |
HQ5 | Score for LARGE (1-2 ° C) inhomogeneity density within gridbox: 1 per station = 5, 0-1 per station = 1-4 scaled linearly, 0 per station = 0. | 72 by 36 by 624 |
HQ6 | Score for VERY LARGE (>2 ° C) inhomogeneity density within gridbox: 1 per station = 10, 0-1 per station = 1-9 scaled linearly, 0 per station = 0. | 72 by 36 by 624 |
HQ7 | Mean adjustment magnitude within gridbox: >= 2 ° C = 10, 1-2 ° C = 4-9 scaled linearly, 0.5-1 ° C = 2-3 scaled linearly, 0-0.5 ° C = 1, 0 ° C = 0. | 72 by 36 by 624 |
HQ8 | Mean absolute adjustment magnitude within gridbox: No score - additional indicator as required. | 72 by 36 by 624 |
HQ Flag | Homogenisation Quality Flag for the gridbox month: >= 10 = very poor quality, 7-9 = poor quality, 5-6 = moderate quality, 1-4 = good quality, 0 = excellent quality. | 72 by 36 by 624 |
latitude | Latitude in 5° | 72 by 36 |
longitude | Longitude in 5° | 72 by 36 |
time | Gregorian: Days since 1st January 1973 00:00:00 | 624 |
months | 1-12 | 12 |
NetCDF station file field | Description | Dimensions |
*_abs | Monthly mean value | 624 |
*_anoms | Monthly mean anomaly from the 1991-2020 climatology period (climate anomaly, not standardised) | 624 |
*_stds | Standard deviation of all station monthly mean anomalies within the gridbox for each month | 624 |
*_clims | Monthly climatologies over the 1991-2020 period | 12 |
times | Months since January 1973 | 624 |
months | 1-12 | 12 |
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Maintained by: Kate Willett |
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