Supplying to us (Commercial)

The Met Office is a complex organisation with diverse supply needs. To meet those needs, we source suppliers in several ways, such as:

  • Through tendering and testing the market - we conduct all are tendering and engagement market via our ProActis portal, where you can view which opportunities we have currently open to public to bid for. 
  • Through government frameworks Crown Commercial Service
  • Other specialist frameworks, like ESPO, YPO
  • Precedent purchases
  • Via direct approaches 

Supplier Accreditation

The Met Office holds ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Wherever practical, we work with suppliers who also hold these accreditations.



Our Approach

We implement best practice in line with the requirements of the Cabinet Office, focusing on achieving value for money, transparency and ensuring the fair and equitable treatment of suppliers. Our team holds certification from the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply.


Legislation governing our procurement activities and sourcing

  • Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR) - we observe the requirements of the PCR regulations for all contracts over a £139,688 inc. VAT estimated budget. Invitations for Expressions of Interest are advertised in the Find a Tender service. All tenders placed on the Find a Tender portal are also published on the Met Office Opportunities portal. More information is also available at the government website
  • From 24 February 2025, a new procurement legislation will come to force, which will replace PCR 2015 regulations and which will govern Met Office procurement and sourcing. Procurement Act 2023


Future Tender Opportunities

The Met Office Pipeline provides a forward look at our anticipated procurement activity over the next 12 months.

Where possible, we have included all our major projects and anticipated procurements. Neither the publication of this pipeline, nor any of the information presented in it should be taken as:

  • a commitment
  • or representation

on the part of the Met Office to enter into a contractual arrangement or to proceed with a procurement.

Circumstances may change and we cannot guarantee that the requirements, contract value, and/or timeline will be as stated. There may also be further procurement activity that takes place that we are not currently aware of and which may therefore not appear on this Commercial Pipeline and some opportunities could be purchased through government frameworks.

Met Office Pipeline - November 2023

To view details of our current procurement activity, please visit our our eTendering Opportunities Portal ProActis.