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results from the 2020 People Survey; the Joint Centre for Excellence with Exeter University; the positive interim ISO 9001 and 14001 audit; the Met Office Scientific Advisory Committee (MOSAC) meeting which had been held entirely virtually; ongoing work with Network Rail; and the successful upgrade

Definitions of codes

Weather types Value Description NA Not available -1 Trace rain 0 Clear night 1 Sunny day 2 Partly cloudy (night) 3 Partly cloudy (day) 4 Not used 5 Mist 6 Fog 7 Cloudy 8 Overcast 9 Light rain shower (night) 10 Light rain shower (day) 11 Drizzle 12 Light rain 13 Heavy rain shower (night) 14 Heavy


I can make a rainbow Overview The properties and behaviour of light, and how it interacts with droplets of water, give rise to one of nature’s most colourful meteorological events - the rainbow. This activity will look at how rainbow form and then guide you through making rainbows in your homes

Climate sensitivity on the rise?

, because if the past warming trend is different to what we might expect in the future, then climate sensitivity, estimated from the observed historical record, may not apply to the future. A new study, led by Dr Timothy Andrews of the Met Office Hadley Centre, along with an international team


What is the jet stream?

charge, which typically brings less stormy weather, light winds and dry skies. What causes the jet stream? Earth is split into two hemispheres, and air is constantly moving around to spread heat and energy from the equator to the poles. Three large groups, or cells, in each hemisphere help to circulate


(e.g. on health centres, distribution points) • packaging of smaller items for distribution (e.g. malaria nets, hygiene kits and medical supplies) where possible and appropriate on these items • staff clothing, but only where relevant to successful project delivery, such as uniforms for community


Haloes and Coronas

Haloes Haloes require ice crystals to form - either from high cirrus cloud of free falling crystals. Typically sunlight or moonlight is reflected by ice crystals producing a white halo. However, if the light rays strike the light at a particular angle, some light may be refracted

Marine observations site list feed detailed documentation

This data feed provides the buoys, light vessels and island system names

://<APIkey> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Locations> <Location id="162103" latitude="49.9167" longitude="-2.883" obsLocationType="Light Vessel" obsRegion="South Coast" obsSource="FM-13 SHIP" name="Channel Lightship


Stratus clouds

Height of base: 0 - 1,200 ft Shape: layered Latin: stratus - flattened or spread out Precipitation: light What are stratus clouds? Stratus clouds are low-level layers with a fairly uniform grey or white colour. Often the scene of dull, overcast days in its 'nebulosus' form, they can persist

PowerPoint Presentation

Talks � � � � This talk – concentrates on large-scale three-dimensional (3-D) modelling (including MHD) and complementary techniques. Harrison and Davies talk – provides the context of L5 having been there already with the STEREO-B HIs and the bigger picture of visible-light heliospheric imaging

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