Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets
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HadSST. Data: download

Data and products are provided under the Open Government Licence v3. For more details on file formats and contents please see the Product User Guide.

Checksums can be used to ensure that the downloaded file matches the version we hold. On Linux systems the command is "md5sum".

Earlier versions of the data set can be downloaded from: HadSST.

Time series files

Time series files are available in csv format.

Annual time series files

Monthly time series files

Gridded data files

The gridded data are available as a set of NetCDF (external link) files. The files are CF compliant.

Core dataset

The core 200-member SST anomaly ensemble dataset and median.

Uncertainty components

Including correlated and uncorrelated components for use in uncertainty propagation. Please see the Product User Guide for further details.

Observation counts

Additional products

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