Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets
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HadISST1 Data: download

Troubleshooting: some users find that files are being downloaded will not uncompress. There are two things to check. First, sometimes files are uncompressed when they are downloaded, but still preserve the .gz suffix. Try removing the .gz suffix and reading the file normally. Second, sometimes files are truncated or corrupted when they are downloaded. Try downloading the file again. If both these methods fails contact Nick Rayner.

Users can obtain subsets of the data using the BADC CEDA Web Processing Service ( See You will have to register with BADC to use this facility, but it is a quick and simple process.

The SST data are available as a set of compressed plain text files in this data format.

The ICE data are available as a set of compressed plain text files in this data format.

The HadISST data are also available in NetCDF format. NetCDF files are CF compliant (external link).

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