HadGHCND - gridded daily temperatures
HadGHCND is a gridded
daily temperature dataset based upon
near-surface maximum (TX) and minimum (TN) temperature observations.
It is designed primarily for the analysis of climate extremes and also for
climate model evaluation. It spans the years 1950 to present and is available
on a 2.5° latitude by 3.75° longitude grid. This dataset has been
developed in collaboration with the United States
National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), formerly the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC).
Brief description of the data
HadGHCND has been created using daily station observations in NCEI's
GHCN (Global Historical Climatology Network)-Daily
database. This consists of over
27,000 stations with temperature observations, though many of these have quite short records, or gaps in the record.
Quality control has been carried out to indicate potentially spurious values.
We have filtered down these stations to obtain those for which we can adequately
calculate a 1961-90 daily climatology. The dataset represents anomalies from the
1961-1990 climatology.
We have used an angular-distance weighting approach to interpolate the station data onto
the required grid. We chose to grid the station anomalies to overcome some of the issues
associated with elevation dependence.
The data are available as gridded anomalies, relative to the 1961-90 base period,
and also as gridded actual temperatures. The actual temperatures were created by gridding the
daily normals and adding these to the relevant daily anomaly.

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When using the data set in a paper, the following is the correct citation to use:
Caesar, J., L. Alexander,
and R. Vose (2006), Large-scale changes in observed daily
maximum and minimum temperatures: Creation and analysis of a new gridded data set,
J. Geophys. Res., 111, D05101, doi:10.1029/2005JD006280 (PDF file, 1.7MB)
Other information
- HadGHCND is regularly updated by NCEI and the Hadley Centre and provides a near-real time update
of daily maximum and minimum temperature fields across the globe.
A variety of daily monitoring plots are available.
- Temperature extremes indices, based upon the ETCCDI extremes
indices, have been produced using HadGHCND and are available from the download page. These are in
association with the CLIMDEX project.
Dataset produced in collaboration with: