Met Office Hadley Centre Central England Temperature
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Maximum Central England Temperature, 2025

Month CET Anomaly notes
January 6.3 -0.1
February 8.0 1.4
March 12.6 3.5 provisional to the 27th

  • Averages so far this year:-
    • Average CET to February: 7.14
    • Normal CET to February: 6.54
    • Anomaly to February: 0.59
    • Anomaly to March (year so far) *: 1.5

    * The anomaly for the year so far to March is calculated by taking an average
    of the monthly anomalies, weighted by the days in the month so far, over the total days in the year so far.
    This prevents the year so far anomaly value being skewed when calculated at the beginning of a month.

  • Comparison with Extreme Annual CETs:-

    The highest annual max CET ever recorded was 15.31, which is 2.23 higher than normal. To beat this record the
    anomaly must be higher than 2.45 for the remainder of this year

    The lowest annual max CET ever recorded was 10.54, which is -2.55 lower than normal. To beat this record the
    anomaly must be lower than -3.79 for the remainder of this year

  • This year's Daily Data to date

    Note that anomalies (and normals) quoted here are w.r.t. the period 1961-1990. This is a standard period  
    of reference for monitoring climate change as recommended by the WMO (World Met. Organisation).

Please click below to see full-size images

Daily CET for this year
Figure: Daily temperature values for the year against 1961-1990 climatology

Annual CET
Figure: Mean temperature anomalies for each full year in the CET series against 1961-1990 climatology

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