Dr Paul Field
Paul leads research into cloud microphysical processes.
Areas of expertise
Microphysics modelling
Cloud physics observations
Current activities
Paul manages the cloud scale modelling group that is part of Atmospheric Processes and Parametrizations. The cloud scale modelling group focuses on process studies of cloud microphysics. This work is used to improve the physical representation of cloud microphysical parametrizations.
Currently, Paul is working on investigating mixed-phase (liquid, ice, vapour) cloud in a turbulent environment, comparing composited cloud satellite radar data with global model output and using data from the CONSTRAIN aircraft campaign to test the high resolution Unified Model.
Paul was also involved with consultancy work dealing with hail threat to the aviation industry for EASA.
Career background
Paul joined the Met Office in 1996 as part of the Met Research Flight (now Observation Based Research) where he led investigations into ice and mixed-phase cloud using the Met Office research aircraft.
Between 2004-2007 Paul worked on ice clouds with aircraft and satellite data as a Scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in the USA before returning to the Met Office.
External recognition
Paul is an Affiliate Scientist with the Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology division at NCAR.
Paul is an Associate Editor for the American Meteorological Society Journal of Climate.