Viewed from space, the sun shines on the earth globe, with continents represented by data symbols 0 and 1.

Weather and climate data

World-leading science and technical expertise available for businesses, researchers and academics

Our extensive portfolio offers a range of global weather and climate data and services to clients across industry, academia and broadcast media. We also supply third party licensed data in the UK, on behalf of: 

  • European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 
  • Economic Interest Grouping of the National Meteorological Services of the European Economic Area (EUMETNET).

As the UK’s National Meteorological Service, we are well versed in collecting, generating, verifying, interpreting and applying data. Many organisations already rely on the data we provide for critical decision-making or commercial reuse.

Our data services include the provision of Public Sector Information (PSI) data, data available for re-use under license, open data sets available with free access and industry specific data for business use.

Climate Data Portal

The Met Office's publicly available Climate Data Portal provides a curated selection of climate data in ready to use formats. Built using ESRI's ArcGIS Hub, the Climate Data Portal is accessible to GIS and non-GIS users, making it easier for organisations to view climate data geospatially and also analyse climate change projections alongside their own data. This site also features the beta*  Local Authority Climate Service (LACS), which provides tools and resources specifically designed to assist Local Authorities and other local groups in understanding the impacts on climate change in their area.

The LACS is a commitment made by Defra in The Third National Adaptation Programme (NAP3) and the Fourth Strategy for Climate Adaptation Reporting
*The LACS is fully available for use, but as we learn more about user requirements, we are inviting feedback to help drive improvements.

UK Met Office Public Sector Information (PSI) re-use data

View our catalogue for a complete listing of categories of data and available data sets, including our Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model data and observational data sets.

Met Office Weather DataHub

This service offers access to Met Office data through a ‘self-serve’ portal via API.  Users have the ability to ‘subset’ data by geographical region, time step, model run and parameter for bespoke consumption.  This API data channel will ultimately become the single point of access for all Met Office Public Task weather data, replacing both Met Office DataPoint and our Wholesale Data Services.

Met Office Marine Data Service

This service offers free access to Met Office Marine Data via FTP/SFTP. Users can request access to five datasets that will be made available to them for ongoing collection.

Business data services

Our business data services team can provide you with a range of industry specific data sets and advice services. We can help you address industry weather risks or make it easier for you to understand how weather impacts your business.

Met Office DataPoint

DataPoint is an unsupported service with a planned retirement date of March 2025. Further details will be provided in due course.

DataPoint provides access to freely available Met Office data feeds in a format that is suitable for application developers.

External data channels

We are improving the accessibility of Met Office data through increased availability via external data channels.  
We recognise that users are seeking increasing flexibility, scalability, and interoperability when it comes to accessing weather and climate data. Whether it’s for research, commercial applications, or public services, seamless access across a variety of platforms is important. This also includes collaboration with Open Data Initiatives (ODIs) and Cloud Providers, or Data Marketplaces. Find out more about different external data channels where you can access Met Office data channels and the datasets available.

ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)

The UK Met Office is a member of The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and a leading licensing agent of ECMWF products and services.

EUMETNET (Economic Interest Grouping of the National Meteorological Services of the European Economic Area)

The Met Office is a member of EUMETNET and a licensing agent for the meteorological data catalogue for the European National Met Services (NMSs).

Archive collections

Our archive collections include original meteorological data, weather reports, weather charts and private weather diaries.

Speak to our team on 0370 900 0100 or email us at  [email protected].

Why choose the Met Office

  • Reliable brand - Trusted provider of public weather information and data services to organisations across the globe.
  • International leader in weather and climate science - Our international expertise dates back to our beginnings in 1854. Today we are recognised as a world-leader in climate and weather science.
  • Licensed distributor - Entrusted as the UK licensed agent for Meteorological data from ECMWF, EUMETSAT, ECOMET.
  • Recognised accuracy - Our global Numerical Weather Prediction model, the foundation of our accurate weather provision, is recognised as a world leading National Met Service model, verified using standards defined by the World Meteorological Organization.

Speak to our team on 0370 900 0100 or email us at  [email protected].
